Meet the Team: Ellie Marston

To finish off the year we would like to introduce you to one of our newest team members, our apprentice laboratory scientist, Ellie Marston.


Ellie completed her A Level Studies this year and has a passion for Biology with a particular interest in immune responses and medical research. She is really enjoying  getting hands on experience in our laboratory before she starts her course at Kent University in the spring.


Ellie is the apprentice laboratory scientist at AgPlus Diagnostics. She works closely with the senior production development scientist and the R&D team to fulfill stock requirements and produce required solutions. Ellie is also involved with testing the cartridge system to ensure all components work, as well as undertaking her own assay projects.



I have been with the company for a few months and will be starting my degree apprenticeship at the beginning of 2021. As an A level student, I was unsure about what path to take in order to begin a career in my preferred subject. I found that AgPlus were offering a great opportunity to get my desired qualifications, but also valuable R&D and manufacturing experience. So far in my role, I have learnt more than I could have anticipated, with the help of the whole team.


The best part of the job is the variability of my role between the different departments. Although I am mainly involved in the control of laboratory materials, during my time so far at AgPlus I have been able to assist with multiple R&D projects as well as manufacturing processes. This is a huge benefit as it has allowed me to gain skills and knowledge from both departments, to help on future projects.


The next year is going to be very exciting for me as I start my course at Kent University. I am looking forward to attaining knowledge that can help me within my role at AgPlus, as well as gaining my qualification. Within the company, I am also starting a number of projects, which vary from stock processes to internal assays. I hope that I can continue to become a valuable member of the team and contribute to the company’s development.


If you’d like to get in touch with Ellie directly, please call +44 (0) 1234 867100  or click here to email