May 2020: CEO Update

An update from AgPlus Diagnostics CEO Fiona Marshall:

Well it has been an unusual few months since lockdown hit. AgPlus has been extremely lucky in that we have managed to keep the business open and functioning, meaning we are still delivering for our customers and working with our partners to ensure we meet the end of year deadline for our first off manufactured industrial design Agilis™ readers These will be used for clinical trials, process validation and submissions. This is all thanks to the great Team at AgPlus who have manged to adapt their working environment to ensure everyone stays safe.

Our key working partnerships for the Agilis™ platform are also progressing well. Working locally with Surface Technology International to deliver first off prototypes for July to support clinical verification of our bacterial differentiator assay which will be an exciting pivotal moment for us. We will be sending you further news on our case study with STI.

Our strong partnership with Thinxxs in Germany (now part of IDEX) is coming to fruition as we transition from validation to routine manufacture of the key cartridge component that will house the assays.

We are working closely with Flex Medical, based in Scotland on a key manufactured component for consistent electrochemistry results. AgPlus is entering an exciting phase of the final commercialisation of the Agilis ™ platform and we look forward to continuing our engagement with key partners as we transition into manufacture of the platform with some key clinical biomarkers.

We are progressing well with a COVID 19 serological assay and testing clinical samples received from our Joint Venture partner Diagnostic Development in Sweden. Early feasibility shows we will meet the MHRA Target product profile (TPP) requirements. Look out for our next update on our COVID 19 development.

Thank you for taking the time to read this update please do check out our website and contact us if you require further information.

We hope you are all staying safe
