An update from AgPlus Diagnostics CEO Fiona Marshall:
Hope that you have all had a great summer break. It has been a while since I last sent an update, this is due to all the activity and hard work that has been going on at AgPlus. The team have been working hard to integrate the three parts of our platform (reader, cartridge and chemistry) to get a working demonstrator up and running to showcase the Agilis™ platform. We have several events coming up to do this and we also hope to be travelling to meet a few customers.
We have bene lucky enough to be invited to an industry day hosted by Dstl (Defence Science and Technology Laboratories) to exhibit the Agilis™ Platform and its potential role in diagnosing infectious diseases. This is the culmination of some successful work completed under a DASA (Defence and Security Accelerator) grant we were awarded in 2019 Point of Care Diagnostics at the Front Line-phase 1.
We are also working with GAMBICA to exhibit our point of care prototype platform in MEDICA in November. We will be sending out invites to visit our stand nearer the time.
We have been busy filming with some industry experts to talk about key diseases that AgPlus is in the process of developing assays to detect. We will have an update in early September around our Virtual Trade Show and how to access an invite and you will be able to hear their thoughts.
We hope you enjoy meeting some of the members of the AgPlus board and see what an active role they play in AgPlus. This month we introduce you to another Non-Executive Director, Geoffrey Wolf.
Kind Regards