After much time and effort we are very pleased to be able to present our new improved website. We wanted to be able to use this platform to properly showcase our technology and communicate more effectively with our customers, to ultimately demonstrate our commitment to improving outcomes for the end-user; the patient.
Via this new website cutomers will be able to download our comprehensive White Papers. We are committed to sharing new content inline with business and industry developments, this is now possible and very easy for customers to access.
We will also be sharing news about our upcoming events, and for ease, the functionality is available for online apointment booking.
This new website will also be a great communication tool for us. We will be sharing regular news including updates on our new and emerging technology, plus our quality assurance develompents.
The website will also feature regular updates from our CEO Fiona Marshall, plus a monthly 'meet the team' feature, so customers can learn more about the people behind our market leading technology.
Visit the Home page to take a look through our new website.